Professional hardwood floor cleaning

Hardwood floors are one of the most popular and sought after flooring materials in the United States. Despite our name, at Beverly Hills Rug Cleaning we also offer and have extensive experience in cleaning hardwood floors. While vacuuming and mopping the floors will get you a long way, professional cleaning will get to dirt and grime that is trapped in between the floor boards and the uneven surfaces.

More than just mopping

Our modern and surface friendly machine will literally eliminate dirt and soil stuck in the cracks and linings of the floor boards while doing so dustless, odor-less, and utilizing non-toxic materials. At Beverly Hills Rug Cleaning we can also address discoloration and scratches to make your hardwood floors look as good as new. The final stage involves our technician applying a coat of gloss that will maintain your floor for years to come. Our technicians will suggest satin, semi-gloss, or high-gloss as the best option for your wood floors.

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